Monday, September 14, 2009

Giving Back

This past Saturday, players from the Coe Men's Basketball team took time out of their busy schedule to take part in highway cleanup.

In a world where everybody seems to have a million things going on in their own lives, it is important to take time and give back. Whether the focus is on your neighborhood, your community, our state, our nation, or the world - giving back to society is so important and something we should all find a way to do in our own way. One way our team has given back has been through highway cleanup. Since the fall of 2008, our players have been cleaning the largest stretch of highway in the Cedar Rapids area.

Each member of our team is truly blessed and I hope this gives each one of us a sense of being invested in something much bigger than ourselves. Also, I hope it gives us a greater appreciation of the great lives that so many of us lead and deem to be “normal” – when it is extraordinary in its own respect relative to many other individuals around the world.

Our players have also taken advantage of volunteer opportunities through reading to children and cleaning up after the historic flood of 2008.

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