Friday, June 11, 2010

Jack Ramsay's Dozen "Absolutes" In Coaching

1. Basketball, like every other sport, is predicated on the execution of the fundamentals.

2. The coach is a teacher; his subject is the fundamentals.

3. The highest level of achievement is attained by the teams with the best conditioned players.

4. Even the greatest players have a level of improvement to achieve.

5. Even the greatest players accept coaching and value the need for discipline and the order that it brings to the team.

6. Winning is more related to good defense than good offense.

7. Break-down drills, under simulated game conditions, are essential to team success.

8. Teams that play together beat those with superior players who play more as individuals.

9. There are no physical limits to individual achievement.

10. Although the game has become more sophisticated, simpler is better in developing and teaching a system of play.

11. Players draw confidence from a poised, alert coach who anticipates changing in game conditions.

12. Teams that never concede defeat can accomplish incredible victories.

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